Even though the winter storms in Northern California are very different from those in Brooklyn, New York…

winter collage

…they can make for a rather grey, dismal, and dreary day.

So when this week’s Daily Post photo challenge titled VIBRANT hit my in-box, I was moved to scroll through my many folders for something that would foot the bill…


Except the first photo I chose was still blurry even after I put on my glasses.

The second to catch my eye and reel me in were these guys…

IMG_5434The only problem here was that their lifeless bodies lent an air of hopelessness which left me feeling cold and somewhat sad.

And so I pressed on,

IMG_4998And on,


And on,


until I finally settled on a bunch that I’d taken last April at the DeYoung Museum’s Bouquets To Art Exhibit

vibrant Collage

vibrant Collage2

 Have an awesome weekend
and an even awesomer winter.
Before we know it,
Spring will be here again

About Donna Gwinnell Lambo-Weidner

I am an adventure seeking ponderer of the mysteries of the universe, writer of children's books (represented by Stephen Fraser of the Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency), and lover of anything involving armor, archery, or swashbuckling.
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10 Responses to COLOR MY WORLD

  1. Diane Jay says:

    Love the photos from DeYoung Museum!


  2. A.PROMPTreply says:

    Oh, I love all your pix, Donna….even the blurry first one! Those are some amazing boots!


  3. And spring means San Francisco time! 🙂 Looking forward to a few months of writing together, Donna!


  4. Pingback: Vibrant Winter Sunrise 2 | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  5. Great photos! I have a pair of those boots – only comfortable enough for short wearings but I love them!


A Doubloon For Your Ponderings