Dark and Stormy Night, Oh My!

‘Tis All Hallows’ Eve and in true scary fashion,
the wind is a’ howlin’ with fury and passion.
The moon’s begun waning, but still lights the way,
for our loved ones who’re now on the ‘other side’ of the bay.
Up from the floorboards, through ceilings and walls,
They knock on the windows and shriek down the halls.
There’s laughing, and singing, and regular howls.
If we didn’t know better, it might clench our bowels.

‘Tis their annual visit. They come once a year—
The thirty-first of October, when it’s easiest to appear.
Two Anns and one Otto, three Roses and Abe,
Aunt Zelda and Tina and Vito, a.k.a. Dave.
The Willys and Johnnys, the Franzes, Gwinnells,
With Weidners and Omi, they assure us all’s well.
More souls arrive. We party into the night
With swooping and swaying, a paranormal sight.
Till just before dawn, when the ruckus calms down,
Not only at home, but all over town.
The candles, still burning, flicker twice then stretch high,
When Mom clears her throat, and exhales a sigh,
“For all gathered here, this eve’s been a treat—
“Though for you, our dear loved ones, perhaps it’s bitter-sweet.
“So let me assure you, we are always nearby,
“Just put out your hand and close your eyes.
“Feel our breath in the wind, hear our words in a song,
“The trick is to know us—have faith—you are strong.
“We whisper in dreams, in a butterfly’s flutter,
“In brooks we may babble, or sigh—sometimes, mutter.
“We send you our love through the smile of another—
“Friends, neighbors, strangers—or some other’s mother.”
Then as quick as they came, they disappear in a second,
Leaving us alone—or not—what do you reckon?

These are a few of our honored ghouls guests. You’d be surprised who the howlers are.

Who are you expecting tonight? Carve out those jack-o-lanterns, turn out the lights and see who shows up–laugh, dance, sing–and let me know how it went.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN to all and to all a good night…

A Doubloon For Your Ponderings