hunky valentine 2One paper heart
trimmed in frilly,
white lace,

One arrow,
one promise
of a sweet,
warm embrace.

Once it’s notched, drawn, and trained on a specific bullseye,
Cupid first blows a kiss, and then lets it fly ~

Has my sweet, hunky cherub poked your curiosity to continue reading? It wouldn’t be the first time for some of you (I apologize for the repeated deception) since he’s been a guest on my blog for the last two Valentine’s Days and might already have drawn your attention to an inspiring initiative – one that may speak to your heart as much as it does mine. It’s


And here’s Catherine Friess to explain how this sweet Valentine’s Day deal works:

“On February 14th you can give books away
and join the celebrations for Book Giving Day.

The aim is very simple. Put books in children’s hands.
Not only in your country, but in many different lands.

If you have unwanted books or books you don’t need,
give them to a child to encourage them to read.

Books should be good quality, but don’t need to be new.
It’s always good to give a book that means something to you.

You can leave books at a bus stop, in trains, or cafes too.
In waiting rooms, on benches, in the park or at the zoo!

Learn more on the websiteFacebook and Twitter too.
Or follow hash #bookgivingday to see what you can do.

Share the info, join the fun and please let us know
how you celebrate the day and where your books will go.”

Wherever you are in our wide world, won’t you join us in putting a book in a child’s hand? You don’t need to dress up for the occasion, but I’d sure love the company.


❤ If not today, tomorrow, or really, any day of the year will do ❤

Oh, and a HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to you, too!

About Donna Gwinnell Lambo-Weidner

I am an adventure seeking ponderer of the mysteries of the universe, writer of children's books (represented by Stephen Fraser of the Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency), and lover of anything involving armor, archery, or swashbuckling.
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  1. Lyn says:

    Oh, I forgot about the “double date” on 14th February 😀


A Doubloon For Your Ponderings