Do you hear it?

The Calling?

It’s not only an invitation to adventure from somewhere outside ourselves, but also an intangible summons from deep within.


It rests on mist shrouded mountain tops, sways suspended above the oceans’ floors, and hums from deep within boreal forests and tropical jungles waiting for us to answer.

Now do you hear it?

Listen again.

It trails the wind, skating over the top of the world, hardly slowing to rattle our shutters, pound on our windows, and whistle down our chimneys, leaving a hint of eucalyptus in the room as a reminder to RSVP ~

Maybe, you feel it, instead.
Often, it’s camouflaged –


churning a whirlwind of indecision in our bellies,
cocooning our hearts in a bubble of restlessness,
or squeezing our throats with extraneous excuses
until it is noticed.

So, do you feel it?

The Calling?

…paused in that space between breaths


 until, weary of our procrastination, it decides
to roar


“Answer ME!”

Incessant little bugger, right? Well, it finally caught my attention and my inner eight-year-old is ecstatic with the decision. I’ll let you know how her adult counter part fairs in about three weeks time * .  Until then – be well. In the meantime, maybe you’d like to think about and share your perspective on what’s been calling to you these days…

About Donna Gwinnell Lambo-Weidner

I am an adventure seeking ponderer of the mysteries of the universe, writer of children's books (represented by Stephen Fraser of the Jennifer DeChiara Literary Agency), and lover of anything involving armor, archery, or swashbuckling.
This entry was posted in ADVENTURES, ANCIENT WISDOM and TEACHINGS, POEMS, ROAD TRIP, TRAVEL/PHOTO Themes and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

13 Responses to THE CALLING

  1. A.PROMPTreply says:

    Okay, you’ve got my attention and now you’re gonna make me wait 3 freaking weeks to know! My inner three-year-old is calling to me now…..she’s saying, “TELL ME RIGHT NOW! I WANT TO KNOW!”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Was ist das, Donna? Too much mystery for me to handle!


  3. Vic says:

    I still think you’re nuts, but the post makes it sound very exciting!


  4. Lyn says:

    I have no idea what you might be alluding to, but the words frightening, exciting, and stomach churning come to mind.


  5. Susanne says:

    Mush!!! I hope there will be post-mushing photos?!


A Doubloon For Your Ponderings